Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Garden Beginnings

This is where I have decided to put my garden. It's right on the edge of the hill in the front of the house. Saturday I dug out most of the weeds and pulled the biggest rocks out of the area. I worked over an hour with what looks like little progress.

The neighbors had some extra ties which I set down in the general area that I want them. This is still a work in progress. I think I the bed will need to be higher towards in the back because of the slope of the hill. I also want to remove more dirt because it is so terribly rocky. I need to buy some dirt and I also plan to find some rock free dirt in the nearby woods. My goal for this year is to buy some tomato plants to put here. I really enjoy this kind of work...


  1. I think that nothing else shows faith, says, "Here. Forward.", the way that planting a garden does. The hardest part is just getting started - after that, the growing just happens.

  2. you will get just takes some time and patience. the preparation of the area is the key, it is the foundation to success. why do people leave comments as anonymous? if you like something enough to comment on it, then i believe you should have the courtesy to leave your name with your comments.... good luck gardening!

  3. Thank you dc nick, (ahem...a former anonymous commenter) for your encouragement.

  4. you are welcome....i'm sure the garden is going to turn out fabulous....if it's anything like the rest of your landscaping....and yes i did comment as anonymous previously but thought it to be very impersonal and slightly rude to not identify myself..that is why i now comment with a name. even commenting as anonymous you can leave your name in the comment.i believe you have the right to know who is leaving you comments on your blog.

  5. dc nick...thank you for sharing your opinion. However, as the owner of this blog, I have chosen to waive my, as you say, "right to know", by allowing anonymous comments.
    I noticed that you support your belief in the right to know by eliminating the anonymous option in your comments...H.F.

  6. well said "H.F." i respect your opinion and your rights,as i would hope you do mine....perhaps we will just have to agree to disagree......perhaps over a cup of joe sometime??????open offer.

  7. I am so happy that you posted before shots! It is so nice to be able to go back and see what it was like before it was fabulous!
    Thanks for visiting so that I could find you!

  8. mimi- Yeah, unfortunately I don't always remember the before shot...I usually remember in the middle of the you will see if you follow my (er my husband's) landscaping work in upcoming posts!
